Need to talk to about personal concerns, spiritual issues,
or stress? Want the conversation to
remain private? Call the Chaplain!
Rule 503 of the Military Rules of Evidence states: communications made as a
“formal act of religion or as a matter of conscience” to either a Chaplain or
Chaplain Assistant while serving in the capacity of spiritual advisor are
considered confidential and are not to be shared with third parties
There are no exceptions listed to this rule, which means that any information
communicated to a Chaplain is protected as confidential
Confidentiality also applies to inquiries from the command. Chaplains cannot be compelled by the command
to share information about service members or others seeking their services
Simple & Convenient to Use: See your Chaplain from anywhere; just click the personalized room link to join them for a video call
Private & Secure: All data is encrypted, your sessions are anonymous, and none of your information is stored (Adheres to HIPAA data privacy laws)
No Downloads or Accounts: No need to download software or create an account. Just use a browser on a computer or device with a camera & mic
Virtual Pastoral Counseling
CH (LTC) Kurt Mueller
808-844-6482o / 808-679-5822c

Initially, Strong Bonds was intended solely for married couples, but it has now been expanded to include single Soldiers, families with children, and the special needs associated with deployment and redeployment. In addition, it has been approved Army-wide to include Guard and Reserve units.
Each Strong Bonds program is targeted to meet Soldiers where they are in their relationship cycle and is administered through a training process that culminates in an off-site retreat.
• Creates a strong support group for Soldiers and families.
• Connects Soldiers and families to each other, the unit, and important
resources such as chaplains.
• Helps Soldiers and family members develop skills that enable them to build
resilient relationships and healthy families.
• Proactive and preventative, designed to recognize and correct any issues
before relationships are in crisis mode.
• Ensures that Army children grow up in healthy Army families.
• Enables Soldiers to stay focused on the mission, improving readiness and